Off White Foam Backed Headlining Vinyl (EM181)


A medium leather grain off white vinyl which has become very popular in recent years. Also available as unfoamed vinyl (see Linings section of website). Average width is 137cm. Sold by the linear metre (eg: a quantity of 10 would be 10 mtrs long) (Hover over large image to left to See Texture)


A medium leather grain off white vinyl which has become very popular in recent years. Also available as unfoamed vinyl (see Linings section of website). Average width is 137cm. Sold by the linear metre (eg: a quantity of 10 would be 10 mtrs long) (Hover over large image to left to See Texture)

Due to the limitations of the internet, if you would like a more accurate representation of the colours, please call or email to request samples.

Please Note: Quantity refers to linear meters. E.g Qty 5 = 5 meters x fabric width. FABRIC JOINS CAN OCCUR ON ORDERS OVER 3MTRS. PLEASE MENTION IN THE COMMENTS IF YOU NEED THIS IN ONE PIECE WITH NO JOINS

Additional information

Weight 1.5000 kg
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